Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Administrative Matters (All to take note)

Dear cadets,

These are the administrative matters that we discussed today (Tuesday, 30 July).

1) Walkathon Fund-Raising 2013

Every year, SJAB HQ will conduct a walkathon fund-raising event. All cadets have been issued the walkathon cards with individual serial numbers. Please keep the card safely as a police report will need to be made for every lost card. Each cadet is encouraged to raise a minimum amount of $30.

Deadline for submission: 01 October. 

After the collection of funds (around mid October), there will be a walkathon conducted by HQ where all Singapore SJAB cadets will participate and walk around central Singapore. :)

2) CCA Awards Day 2013

We would like to congratulate the cadets who have been awarded the mentioned award. They have contributed to SJAB in one way or another and we would like to show our appreciation to them. We hope to award more of you next year.

3) AGI - Annual General Inspection

For this year's AGI, we will be sending 10 cadets (plus 1 reserve) to participate in the marching contingent. The rest of the cadets will participate as spectators.

Rehearsal for AGI (only for marching contingent)
Date: Sunday, 25 Aug 2013
Time: 230 - 600pm
Venue: Bedok Stadium
Attire: Full SJAB uniform (report in half uniform)

Actual AGI (for all cadets)
Date: Sunday, 01 Sept 2013
Time: 230 - 630pm
Venue: Bedok Stadium
Attire: Full SJAB uniform

Thank you.

Miss Eileen Chua

Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Tue, 30 July 2013 CCA Training Schedule

Dear Sec1-3 cadets

Here is the CCA Training Schedule for Sec 1 cadets
2.30-3.30pm: Marking of attendance, Fall in, warm-up, Foot Drill recap
3.30pm-3.45pm: Hand Over for CPL Shifa and Siti to train Sec 1 platoon.
3.45pm-4pm: Foot drill Practice
4pm-4.20pm: Break
4.20pm-5.20pm: First Aid Training
5.20pm-5.30pm: End of Training

Here is the CCA Training Schedule for Sec 2-3 cadets who are involved in Combined NDP rehearsal

2.30-3.30pm: Marking of attendance, Fall in, warm-up, Foot Drill recap
3.30pm-3.45pm: Assemble in school foyer as marching contingent
3.45pm-5.30pm: School NDP rehearsal (*water breaks will be given to all cadets) 
5.30pm: End of NDP marching Rehearsal

Attire for Sec 1-3 cadets (all): school PE t-shirt with SJAB Pants or culottes, SJAB boots with black socks, beret, ladies with hairnets.

What to bring: Water bottle (for all cadets) First Aid Manuel book and notebook (for Sec1 cadets).

Thank you for your attention. Do rest well and drinks lots of water on Mon before coming for Tue training.

Ms Yeo
On behalf of SJAB Teachers

Monday, July 22, 2013

Friday, 26 July 2013 CCA Training

Dear all Sec 1-3 cadets

We will be attending  a school aesthetic performance Aestella  (organised by English/Literature Dept) held at various school premises on Friday, 26 July 2013 from 2.30pm to 5.30pm. As it is conducted during CCA training, CCA attendance will be taken.

Attire: school attire.
Time to assemble and collect tickets from Miss Chua: 2.30pm
Venue: SJAB room
What to bring: small money to buy tidbits to support school OCIP fund raising for 2014.

Thank you.

Ms Yeo
On behalf SJAB Teachers

Wed, 24 July 2013: Cancelled of Combined NDP Rehearsal for Sec 2-3 cadets

Dear Sec 2-3 cadets who are involved in school NDP,

There won't be NDP combined rehearsal due to Sec 3 extended remedial. Sorry for the last min notice as I just received from UG Level steward' s message today.

Thank you for your kind attention.

Ms Yeo

Friday, July 19, 2013

SJAB Training on 23rd July, Tuesday

Dear cadets,

There will be NO NDP Rehearsal next tue, 23rd of July due to the O level MT Listening Exam. As such, all Sec 1 -3 cadets will have training as per usual. Due to the Listening Exam, I would like all of you to ensure that there is minimal noise level so as not to disturb your seniors.

Training schedule as follows:

2.30 pm - 4.00 pm - First Aid
4.00 pm- 4.15 pm - BREAK
4.15 pm - 5pm - Home Nursing/Transport of Casualty (TOC)

Bring your first aid manual, home nursing booklet, notebook and water bottle.

There will be an attire check next tuesday. Do take note of the following.

Attire (for all)
- PE tee and shorts
- TMS socks, no ankle socks
- Have your earhooks on
- For nursings, only bobby pins, black rubber bands are allowed, tie a bun

Thank You.

Mdm Farhanah
On behalf of SJAB teachers

Thursday, July 18, 2013

Friday 19 July 2013 CCA Training

Training schedule as follows:

Sec 1:
2.30-4.00: Footdrill/Firstaid
4.00-4.30: Break
4.30-5.30: Footdrill/Firstaid

Bring your first aid manual, notebook and water bottle. Training will be carried out by Mdm Hanying.

Sec 2 and 3:
NDP marching rehearsal
(230 - 530pm)

Attire (for all)
- PE tee and shorts
- TMS socks
- Have your earhooks on
- For nursings, only bobby pins, black rubber bands are allowed, tie a bun

Thank You.

Miss Eileen Chua
On behalf of SJAB teachers

Sunday, July 14, 2013

Tuesday, 16 July 2013 CCA Training

Training schedule as follows: 

Sec 1s:
2.30-4.00: Footdrill
4.00-4.30: Break
4.30-5.15: Footdrill

Sec 2s:
2.30-4.00: Footdrill
4.00-4.15: Break
4.15-5.15: Home Nursing/ TOC
(Nursings to bring Home Nursing booklet)

-PE T-Shirt
-TMS socks
-Have your earhooks on
-For nursings, only bobby pins, black rubber bands are allowed, tie a bun

Things to take note:
-Fingernails( keep it neat and clean)
-Bring a water bottle

Thank You.

From Secretary, Janis

Thursday, July 11, 2013

Fri, 12 July 2013 CCA Training

Training Schedule as follow:
In preparation for School National Day combined UG Parade

2.30pm-4pm: Foot Drill
4pm-4.15pm: Break
4.15pm-5.30pm: Foot Drill

Attire: PE Tee-shirt and Shorts

Things to bring:
-water bottle
-ear hooks

Things to take note:
-fingernails (clean and neat)
-Attire (ladies to tie a bun)
-no ankle socks (TMS socks)
-bobby pins only (black rubber band)

* Gentle reminder to check SJAB FULL UNIFORM include boots and black socks.

Thank you.

See you tomorrow.

From Ms Yeo.

Monday, July 08, 2013

CCA training on Tuesday 09 July

Dear cadets,

Cadets who have not submitted the soft copy of all the photographs for CPBS Photography badge, pls do so by tomorrow.

Sec 3 cadets, do bring your corporal ranks tomorrow and submit to Ms Yeo. 

Attire: PE Attire
Items to bring: Drinking water and FA Manual
(Please also bring full SJAB uniform for checking in preparation for school NDP ceremony. Sec 1 cadets are to bring along all uniform accessories and shoes. Sec 1 cadets' uniforms will be distributed tomorrow.)

2.30pm - 4.00pm - First Aid
4.00pm - 4.15pm - Break
4.15pm -5.30 pm - Footdrill

Thank you.

Miss Eileen Chua
On behalf of SJAB Teachers

Thursday, July 04, 2013

CCA Training on Friday 5th July

CCA Training on Friday 5th July

Dear cadets,

Pls be informed that all CCA Trainings on Tue & Friday will commence at 2.30pm till 5.30pm.
Cadets who have not submitted the soft copy of all the photographs for CPBS Photography badge, pls do so by next Tue, 9th July.

For Sec 3 cadets, do bring your corporal ranks tommorow and submit them to Miss Chua.

Attire: PE Attire
Items to bring: Drinking water and FA Manual

2.30pm - 3.30pm - First Aid
3.30pm - 3.45pm - Break
3.45pm -5.30 pm - Home Nursing/ TOC for ambulance

Thank you.

Mdm Farhanah
On behalf of SJAB Teachers

Monday, July 01, 2013

CCA Resumes on 2nd July Tuesday

Dear cadets,

Welcome back to school! We are sure that all of you have had a derserving and fulfilling holidays!
CCA will resume as per normal on Tuedays and Fridays.

Attire: PE attire
Items to bring: Water bottle, FA Manual & sofcopy of photographs for CPBS Photography badge (for those who have not submitted)

Schedule for 2nd July

Short and Long FA cases to be conducted in classrooms.

Mdm Farhanah
On behalf of SJAB Teachers