Routine Order for Saturday Training on 04 June 2005
Training Programme
0820 – 0830 reporting in half-u
0830 – 0845 changing to full-u
0845 – 0855 handing in of valuables/belongings
0855 – 0930 trial for parade
0930 – 1045 passing out parade
1045 – 1100 changing to PT kit
1100 – 1245 games (taken over by Sec 2s)
1245 - 1300 gift-giving session
1300 – 1430 lunch
1430 – 1530 cleaning up/dismissal for sec 1s & 2s
1530 - 1700 meeting/closing debrief for NCOs & SNCOs
0001 There will be Normal Training this Saturday, 04 June 2005.
0002 The attire for Sec 1s, 2s, 3s, and 4s will be full-u (i.e. St. John blouse and culottes for Nursing; ST John shirt and long pants for ambulance, boots, berets, nametags, and St. John Belt. Members are reminded to polish their boots. Nursing members are to bring their hairnets.
0003 All members are not allowed to wear their full-u to school. Wear the half-u and change into full-u only in school.
0004 All members are reminded to cut their fingernails and have an adequate rest the night before.
0005 Any members who are applying to be excused from this Saturday Training are to do so before Saturday, 04 June 2005 to their platoon SGTs.
0006 Members who fail to adhere to the above mentioned will be disciplinary dealt with.
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