Sunday, March 18, 2007

Routine Order for Tuesday training on 20th March, 2007

1430-1445 - Opening parade
1445-1545 - Footdrill
1545-1600 - Break
1600-1745 - Sec 2: HN/TOC, Sec 3: First aid, Sec 1: First aid lecture
1745-1800 - Closing parade

There will be normal training this Tuesday, 20th March 2007.

The attire for sec 2s, 3s and 4s will be half-u. The attire for sec 1s will be school P.E. t-shirt and trackpants.

All members are to bring a completely filled 1.5L water bottle.

All members are reminded to cut their fingernails and have an adequate rest the night before.

Any member who is applying to be excused from the following trainings is to do so by this training.

Members who fail to adhere to the above mentioned will be disciplinary dealt with.

Lim Han Ying

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